The binder will be given to you at the start of the season.  Please ensure all the documents that each player needs completed are kept in the binder and follow up with those that did not complete them. This binder will contain copies of your roster, roster stickers, blank score sheets and consent to treat forms.


The contact list for parents and guardians is located in cross bar. Please ensure your team and coaches are aligned with the method of communication for the upcoming season. Many teams use the chat feature in crossbar while other prefer group me or game changer for quick communication. This method of communication is often used to provide updates on game days or highlight schedule changes.

Typically an email should be sent to the team at the beginning of the week to outline the schedule for the week and any upcoming special events (tournaments, ticket sales, etc).


Your binder will have stickers in them. If you are the HOME team, you will put the stickers on the score sheet. If you are AWAY you will give your stickers to the other team manager or coach. At the end of each game, you will receive a copy of the score sheet.

  • If you win, you can refer to the binder as to how to submit the scores to the CHC. Instructions are also included below.
  • In either event, put the scoresheet in the binder after making sure all signatures are included.

Please also coordinate with the scheduler to ensure you have at least 2 USAH certified parents to run the scorebox for all home games. There often seem to be parents who like to do this and will do it all season but it is the teams responsibility to have the box covered for home games.


Work with the coach(es) and scheduler to decide what tournaments you would like to participate in for the upcoming season.  Typically teams participate in 2-3 tournaments per season with one being a "travel" tournament requiring an overnight stay and one more local tournament (holiday, CanAm in Shelton, etc).

Depending on the tournament locations, the manager should then coordinate a hotel room block for the team.   The manager is also responsible for working with the treasurer to ensure the team is aware of the cost for each tournament. The payment will be submitted directly to the RiverHawks but we ask the manager to be responsible for initial communication of the amount due.


8U - 14U Youth and 8U - 19U Girls

Scoresheets are to be submitted to the appropriate Division Director per the following requirements

Applies to all teams

Within two days of the game:

a.   Scoresheets are to be submitted by the winning team, or the home team if there is a tie. (Note: All Mite cross-ice scoresheets are to be submitted by the home team regardless of the outcome).

Three choices for submission:

a.   Email of a scanned original.

b.   Email of a cell phone photo of the original. (Note: Texting photos of scoresheets will not be accepted. Typically, cell phones re-size (reduce) photo sizes for texting purposes to reduce a persons data usage resulting in a scoresheet that's not legible).

c.   Mail in the white sheet.

Things to keep in-mind:

  • All email submissions must be clear / legible, and full size
  • A Division Director may request a re-scan, or an original if necessary to resolve any confusion or discrepancy.

Division Director's Email

8U Director - Dave Fritz -

10U Director - Matt Dutton -

12U Director - Sarah Waddle -

14U Director - Dave Fritz -

16U and 18U Tier 2 Director - Dave Fritz -

All Boys Tier 1 - Mike McCullough -

Girls - Ed Rodham -

The white sheet must be completed properly (an example can be found here.....). Please make sure scoresheets are complete per the above link, and that they are submitted to the appropriate Division Director. 

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