2024 - 2025

PeeWee A

The Week Ahead

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Team Feed


Nikki Mattioli

4 months ago

News From the CT Hockey Conference

Registration is open for male CT residents, 15s (‘10s), 16s (‘09s), and 17s (‘08s), to try out to attend the New England District Player Development Camps. Players must live in CT and be US citizens. Tryouts will be held November 24th – 26th. Check out the link below for more information but remember that registration will close on November 15th.

Registration for the tryouts for the 12’s (’13) and 13’s (’12) will open in December, and the tryout is on January 22nd and 29th. The 14s (11) tryout will be held in April.

Connecticut Hockey Conference | 2024 Boys District Camp Tryout


-CT Player Development


Nikki Mattioli

5 months ago

CT RiverHawks Chuck-A-Puck Fundraiser


Nikki Mattioli

5 months ago

Announcement: CPR Course Cancellation

Good Afternoon,

Unfortunately, this evening's CPR course instructor has canceled tonight's course. Please keep an eye out for future postings regarding recertification opportunities. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for being so understanding.


CT RiverHawks Board of Directors


Nikki Mattioli

5 months ago

Reminder: First-Aid, CPR, and AED Certification Class at Shelton Rinks

Good Morning Riverhawk Families,

This is a gentle reminder that the First-Aid, CPR, and AED Certification Class will be at the Shelton Rinks in the mezzanine tomorrow from 6-8 pm. You must sign up before attending. The course will run for 2 hours during two sessions, the other being ) October 9th at the same time. Once completed, you will be certified in First-Aid, CPR, and AED for adults and children. The cost is $75.00 cash or check. The link to register is https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FA....

Have a great day.




Nikki Mattioli

6 months ago

First-Aid, CPR, and AED Certification Class at Shelton Rinks

Good Evening,

The CT Riverhawks is hosting a First-Aid, CPR, and AED certification class at the Shelton Rinks in the mezzanine on October 3rd and October 9th, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. You must attend both sessions to receive certification, as the course is divided into two four-hour classes.

The course will be run by MissionCIT and includes certification. It costs $75.00 per person by cash or check made payable to MissionCIT. Our goal is to have at least one person from each division, in addition to the coach, certified to respond in case of an emergency.

Space is limited, and it will be first come, first serve. Please sign up using the attached link. If you cannot make it this time, another opportunity will be in the spring.

We hope to see you there!

Best regards,

The Board of Directors (BOD)

Sign-up Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FA...

For more information about MissionCIT: http://MissionCIT.com


Matthew Lewis
Head Coach
(203) 417-1144

Nikki Mattioli
Team Manager
(203) 673-6664

Michael Serricchio

Matthew Lewis

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